AI Education Platform

In this MVP project for an AI Education Platform, I tackled the challenge of converting abstract ideas and technical limitations into feasible, user-focused designs. My role centered on aligning development timelines with key feature prioritization to deliver impactful solutions.



Product Designer


Product Documentation, Component Library, Wireframes, High-Fidelity Design, Prototyping


February 2022 - April 2022



PhDs and academics frequently struggle with traditional learning methods. Our AI Education Platform revolutionizes this by weaving AI into an interactive, gamified learning experience. This approach not only makes learning more engaging but also tailors the educational journey to individual needs, fostering deeper understanding and retention.

My Role

As a key team member, my role was to collaborate closely with the project lead, navigating through technical constraints to conceptualize the optimal prototype for our AI Education Platform. This initial version was crucial for early testing and gathering user feedback, setting the foundation for iterative improvements.

User Research

Leveraging user research, I worked closely with the founder to gain a deeper understanding of our user personas. This knowledge was pivotal in designing intuitive user flows, selecting the most effective UI elements, and structuring the overall application to meet our users' specific needs.

Our call featured in a Korean article!

MVP Feature Prioritization

Employing the Agile methodology, I led the mapping of technical requirements and information architecture with our team. We focused on prioritizing features essential for the MVP, optimizing resource use. This strategy deferred further investments until confirming product-market fit.

Prioritising features based on product launch timeline and technical limitations

Wireframes - V1/V2 Iterations

After establishing technical boundaries, I initiated the wireframe creation, focusing on desktop responsiveness, section layouts, and interactive elements. This phase was crucial in defining the application's flow and structural organization, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly design.



Utilizing the Atom design system, I meticulously laid out all elements with a keen focus on visual hierarchy, form, order, and structure. This approach ensured a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing high-fidelity design, aligning closely with user experience principles.

High Fidelity Designs


Following iterative feedback from the project lead and development team, I successfully designed and prototyped the application. Additionally, I meticulously documented the design specifications for a smooth handover. This collaborative process ensured a refined, user-centric final product.

Component Library

In building the design/system component library, I focused on consistency and reusability. Key elements were standardized for aesthetics and functionality, catering to various user scenarios. The library, organized for ease of use and adaptability, streamlined the development process and ensured scalability.

Component Library

Dark Mode

For the dark mode version of our high-fidelity designs, I meticulously adapted color schemes, ensuring legibility and visual comfort. This involved balancing contrasts and hues to suit low-light conditions, while maintaining brand identity and user interface consistency. The result was an aesthetically pleasing, user-friendly dark mode that complemented the standard version and enhanced user experience.

Dark mode


While I'm satisfied with the final product within our timeframe, on reflection, I would have valued more time to engage directly with users. Such interactions could have provided deeper insights, potentially leading to further refinements in the layout and structure of the application, enhancing user experience even more.

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